Plan miasta Hansell

Hansell - Najnowsze wiadomości:

1917 - 1919: Table III and Army Form B 278 (but no AFW 3068)

One can read a bit about Hansell on-line at Google Books by entering the search phrase "Dr. HR Hansell," including the particulars a malpractice suit for the misuse of Röntgen rays in diagnosing a woman's fractured thigh and her ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Famke Janssen Joins Parade of Sexy Witches, Will Fight Hansel& Gretl

Hopefully Famke Janssen will be very careful when checking the oven. Deadline reports that Famke Janssen has joined the cast of Hansel& Gretl: Witch Hunters. She'll play one of ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Wolf Trap Opera , Archive ? WTOC 1977: Hansel and Gretel

Young artists sang most featured roles in the July 1977 four-performance run of Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel. Roles were double cast, with each group of singers handling two of the four performances. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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